There are many ways to market a new or used car. Customer testimonials, video content, email marketing, and mobile ads are a few. You should start using these tactics right away. This article will provide details to ensure your successful marketing strategy.
Video content
One of car dealerships’ most effective marketing methods is incorporating video content into their marketing strategy. Whether you’re using YouTube, Facebook Live, or your website, video content is an excellent way to attract customers. More than half of car shoppers watch video content before making a purchase. In addition, a video highlighting different aspects of a car can help potential buyers decide which model they want.
Another benefit to video content for car dealerships is its ability to play across all major social platforms. Not only does it appeal to users, but it also boosts engagement on those sites. Videos are 12 times more likely to be shared on social networks than any other type of content, so they can effectively increase your online presence. A video can also help a dealership highlight certain features of a car or its services.
When a video is paired with a compelling message, it can help a brand stand out. Therefore, it’s essential to consider the type of video you plan to use in your automotive marketing strategy and the time and place when it will be most effective.
Customer reviews
Customer reviews are a valuable marketing tool for automotive dealerships. People trust others’ recommendations and read them before making a purchase. And since automotive purchases can be expensive, people may be inclined to read more reviews of a company before making a final decision. Customer reviews are also an excellent way to grow your audience and encourage new leads to try your business. If satisfied with your services, they may even leave a positive review.
Customer testimonials are the most common form of customer reviews. They are often found on company websites, and many brands share these testimonials on social media and via email marketing. Aside from capturing your audience’s attention, customer testimonials also require minimal effort. This makes them one of the most accessible types of reviews to manage.
Customer reviews help build social proof by increasing your brand’s visibility, boosting store traffic, and convincing hesitant buyers to purchase. While gathering customer reviews is a significant first step, automating the process to scale your business is also essential. These reviews also help boost your search engine optimization efforts. And because 89% of consumers won’t make a purchasing decision until they’ve read customer reviews, they’re an effective marketing tool.
Mobile ads
Contextual advertising is one of the most important aspects of automotive marketing. It helps car manufacturers reach car buyers at every stage of their purchase journey. Whether browsing a favorite maker’s website or researching the latest models and the most popular vehicles for 2022, marketers can reach them with relevant content and mobile ads.
While most vehicle shoppers begin their search on Google, many call the dealership to make a final decision. A human sales representative can answer questions and provide assurance. In addition, automotive marketers now leverage data from inbound calls to optimize their marketing opportunities. A conversation intelligence solution can help them make the most of every call.
It is essential to segment your audience to understand better what motivates them to buy a car. For example, luxury car buyers may care more about the heated seats than the needs of a typical car buyer. In contrast, those looking for more affordable cars will most likely be concerned with fuel economy and longevity.